You’re driving down the road, maybe on your way to work or heading home after a long day.

Suddenly, you find yourself in a collision involving an Uber vehicle. In that moment, questions flood your mind:

I was in an accident with Uber. Who’s at fault?

What happens if you get in an accident with Uber?

What do I do if I get in an accident with a Lyft driver?

As an experienced car accident law firm in Texas, we understand the confusion and frustration following rideshare accidents. For this reason, we’re here to provide you with guidance about what happens after your accident, what you can do, and details about compensation from Uber or Lyft.

Liability in an Accident With Uber

Liability refers to legal responsibility for an event or occurrence. When it comes to Uber accidents, determining liability can be complex and multifaceted and often involves examining various factors, including the actions of the Uber driver, other drivers involved, and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

In some cases, the Uber driver may be at fault for the collision. This could be due to factors such as reckless driving, speeding, or distracted driving.

However, liability may also extend to other parties, such as another driver who caused the accident or even the ride-sharing company itself.

Factors Affecting Liability

When assessing liability in Uber accidents, several factors come into play. These factors influence the determination of legal responsibility and, later on, who’s on the hook to pay compensation:

  • Driver Behavior: The behavior of the Uber driver leading up to the accident is a critical factor. Instances of reckless driving, speeding, or distracted driving may significantly impact the driver’s liability.
  • Road Conditions: Poor road conditions, such as potholes or insufficient signage, may contribute to the collision and affect liability.
  • Traffic Laws: Violations such as running red lights, failure to yield, or improper lane changes can establish fault in the event of an accident.
  • Weather Conditions: Factors like rain, snow, or fog may reduce visibility and impact driving conditions, potentially influencing liability.
  • Witness Testimony and Evidence: Witness testimony and available evidence, such as dashcam footage or accident reports, provide crucial insights into the events leading up to the collision.

What Happens After an Accident With an Uber or Lyft Driver?

For the most part, accidents are often collisions with cars owned by the rideshare companies. There are a few things to keep in mind if this happens.

Determining If the Driver Is To Blame

Instances of negligence, such as distracted driving (e.g., using a phone while driving), driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or violating traffic laws (such as speeding or running red lights), significantly impact the driver’s liability.

The driver’s training, experience, and adherence to Uber’s safety protocols may also influence whether or not the driver is to blame for the accident.

Investigating Third-Party Involvement

In some cases, third parties may share responsibility for Uber accidents. This could include government entities responsible for road maintenance, manufacturers of defective vehicle parts, or companies providing maintenance services for the Uber vehicle.

Possible Driver Deactivation

If the driver has been in other accidents or has a track record of negative reviews, Uber will deactivate the driver’s rideshare account. Henceforth, the driver will be unable to take passengers as an Uber driver.

What Happens If Your Uber Is in a Crash?

At times, it may be your Uber that was in an accident. If you find yourself in this situation, here’s what you should do.

Ensure Your Personal Safety

Your immediate priority after an Uber accident should be ensuring your safety and the safety of others involved. Check yourself and others for injuries and seek medical attention if necessary. If you’re able to do so safely, move to a secure location away from traffic to prevent further harm.

Notify Emergency Medical Services

Promptly dial emergency services by calling 911 to report the accident. Emergency responders will dispatch police officers and medical personnel to the scene to provide assistance and document the incident. Police involvement is essential for filing an accident report, which serves as critical documentation for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Gather Information

While at the scene of the accident, gather pertinent information from all parties involved. Obtain the Uber driver’s name, contact information, and insurance details. Also, collect information from any other drivers involved in the accident, including their names, contact information, and insurance policy numbers.

If there are witnesses to the accident, obtain their contact information as well.

Report the Accident to Uber

Notify Uber about the accident as soon as possible through the app or by contacting their support team. Uber has protocols in place for handling accidents involving their drivers and passengers.

Reporting the accident to Uber ensures that they are aware of the incident and can initiate their internal procedures for addressing the situation.

Will Uber Compensate Me?

Once notified of your accident, Uber will often provide compensation that covers your medical expenses and property damages. Whatever amount you receive, it will likely be from the company’s Uber Optional Insurance.

Uber Optional Insurance covers up to $1,000,000, which is the required auto insurance coverage for rideshare companies in Texas.

How To Claim Damages From Uber

Whether you got in a collision with an Uber driver or your Uber was on the receiving end of one, you need to follow the company’s claim process to recover damages. Here are the steps:

  1. Report the Accident to Uber: Utilize the Uber app or contact their support team to report the accident promptly. Ensure that Uber is aware of the incident to initiate the claims process.
  2. Review Uber’s Insurance Coverage: Familiarize yourself with Uber’s insurance policies to understand the extent of coverage available to you as an accident victim. This includes liability coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and contingent comprehensive and collision coverage.
  3. File a Claim With Uber’s Insurance Company: Submit a claim with Uber’s insurance company, providing necessary documentation such as details of the accident, medical records, and evidence of damages.

Got in an Accident With an Uber or Lyft Driver? Contact Us

Whether you’ve been in a crash with an Uber or had an accident while you’re in one, you’ll need legal representation that can get you the compensation you deserve.

We’re here as your advocates after your Uber accident. Learn more about how our car accident lawyers can assist you today.